For video lessons, go to Using Positive Actions to discover student's self concept, raise developmental assets, achieve individual academic success, and build strong relationships at home, school, and in our community! Join the Morgan County Partnership to Engage. Educate. Empower.
"...where ALL students are UNIQUE and Wonderfully made!..."
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Positive Parenting PSA from Ms Nikki Vol 6 DIVERSITY; Morgan County Part...
Ms Nikki hosts Positive Parenting PSA's from the Morgan County Partnership's programs to support wellness and family core values. For more discussion, join the Partnership Podcast new every Friday with resources to keep connected to the community with relevant discussions, stories, and news to help raise empathy for others.
Daily Dose:
On Instagram @positiveactions.mcp
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"My Hair is a Garden" PBS Race & Diversity Book Series from Morgan Count...
"Miss Tillie says it's not what you start with in the garden that matters. It's the CARE, TIME, and ATTENTION you give it. My hair is a garden, and I give it LOVE."
(Book 8 of 13). The Morgan County Partnership's Positive Action SEL and Wellness Programs present "My Hair is a Garden" written and illustrations by Cozbi A. Cabrera. From PBS, "When Mack gets teased and taunted at school about her unruly hair, she turns to her neighbor Miss Tillie for comfort and help. To help Mack learn to care for her hair — and appreciate herself — Miss Tillie uses the metaphor of her lush garden to show Mack the many kinds of beauty and all the nurturing they require."
"Hairstyles and how hair is cared for and adorned can convey powerful messages about a person’s identity, beliefs, and lifestyle. How you wear your hair can tell a lot about you as a person—and there are a lot of different ways to wear your hair! It’s important to celebrate one another for those differences and appreciate the person for who they are whether they have straight hair, curly hair, wear a hijab, or dreadlocks."
* Mack was bullied because her hair is different. Have you or anyone you know ever experienced bullying based on how you look?
* Miss Tillie is a neighbor and ally to Mack. What does it mean to be a good neighbor? What Positive Actions do you see from good neighbors?
* Now, give examples on how you can be a good neighbor and friend to those being bullied.
* Just like people, hair is DIVERSE. How is your hair like a garden?
Invite local hairstylists and barbers with experience with all types of hair to read My Hair Is a Garden and related titles then discuss with students how to care for different types of hair. Celebrate everyone’s hair with:
* photographs of the diverse hairstyles in your class/school made into a collage
* a book created by students that defines and illustrates the hairstyles worn in your school/community
* a Wacky Hair Day that encourages students to express themselves creatively.
Questions for Discussion or Reflective Writing
What do you find beautiful?
Mack wants to get better at taking care of her hair. What is one thing you would like to get better at? Share your plan and timeframe for doing it.
What does it mean to be a neighbor? Share ideas for things people can do to get to know each other.
Have you or anyone you know ever experienced bullying based on how you look?
For more resources, see:
Presented weekly by the Morgan County Partnership's Positive programming, follow here:
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Follow Instagram @positiveactions.mcp
Free Mobile App from Apple Store and GooglePlay
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
PAWsitive YOGA for Kids! Weekly Wellness and Mindfulness from the Morgan...
Week 9 (original broadcast for July 29): School Therapist, Mrs. Lacee Kidwell, and her PAWsome YOGA assistant, tiny Alanah, lead this beginners YOGA class with basic poses, stretches, and moves to promote health, wellness, and mindfulness skills. Game this week: "Nature Walk" Super easy poses include: Table, Rock, Table, Downward Dog, Forward Fold, Seated Side Bend, Pretzel Twist, Star, Mountain, Warrior 1, and Cobra. Concludes with Relaxation exercise: Magic Carpet Ride
Excellent instruction for all ages; watch with your kids, ask friends to join you, or just follow with Mrs. Kidwell. Presented weekly by the Morgan County Partnership's Positive programming, follow here:
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Follow Instagram @positiveactions.mcp
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Tuesday, July 28, 2020
"She Persisted: 13 American Women Who Changed the World", PBS Race & Div...
"Sometimes being a girl isn't easy. At some point, someone probably will tell you no, will tell you to be quiet and may even tell you your dreams are impossible. Don't listen to them. These thirteen American women certainly did not take no for an answer. THEY PERSISTED."
(Book 7 of 13). The Morgan County Partnership's Positive Action SEL and Wellness Program presents "She Persisted; 13 American Women Who Changed the World" written by Chelsea Clinton and illustrated by Alexandra Boiger.
From PBS, "This book features 13 women throughout history and today who persevered in the face of adversity. It encourages your child to keep striving for your dreams and to speak up.
“[My granddaughter] likes this book because it taught her to follow her dreams.” -Lorraine, Grandmother of 8-year-oldComing up next: "My Hair is a Garden" words and illustrations by Cozbi A. Cabreera"
"Throughout U.S. history, there have always been women who have spoken out for what's right, even when they have to fight to be heard. In early 2017, Senator Elizabeth Warren's refusal to be silenced in the Senate inspired a spontaneous celebration of women who persevered in the face of adversity. This book celebrates thirteen American women who helped shape our country through their tenacity, sometimes through speaking out, sometimes by staying seated, sometimes by captivating an audience. They all certainly persisted. This book features: Harriet Tubman, Helen Keller, Clara Lemlich, Nellie Bly, Virginia Apgar, Maria Tallchief, Claudette Colvin, Ruby Bridges,
Margaret Chase Smith, Sally Ride, Florence Griffith Joyner, Oprah Winfrey and Sonia Sotomayor." (from:
* What is the book's message?
* What does persistence meant to you? Who do you know who is persistent, and how do you know?
* Have. you ever had to be persistent about something? What happend?
* What was one woman who you eschpeially related to and why?
Who is a woman from WV you have heard of that "persisted"? For example, Katherine Creola Katherine Johnson was an American mathematician whose calculations of orbital mechanics as a NASA employee were critical to the success of the first and subsequent U.S. crewed spaceflights. Did you know she was from WV?
Who is a woman in your community who you know that "persisted"? What did they do?
Who is a woman in your school you know that "persisted"? What did they do?
Finally, who is a woman in your home or family that "persisted"? How and why?
Now, go tell them thanks for doing the RIGHT thing, even though it was the HARD thing to do!
Your turn!
For more resources, see:
Monday, July 27, 2020
MoTo Monday RESPECT: Positive Action Word of the Week, 7/27/2020
Grab the kids, tell a friend, change the world! Positive Action's Word of the Week is RESPECT. What IS respect? Find out today with a cool video from Listen to MoTo Monday to better understand the value of respect in our communities. Your voice matters! Why? Because YOU are unique, important, and wonderfully made, and remember.... "Keep Curious!"
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Thursday, July 23, 2020
Positive Parenting PSA from Ms Nikki Vol 5 RESPECT; Morgan County Partne...
"How you demonstrate RESPECT?" Find out as Ms Nikki hosts Positive Parenting PSA's from the Morgan County Partnership's programs to support wellness and family core values. For more discussion, join the Partnership Podcast new every Friday with resources to keep connected to the community with relevant discussions, stories, and news to help raise empathy for others.
Daily Dose:
On Instagram @positiveactions.mcp
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"Hair Love" PBS Race & Diversity Book Series from Morgan County Partnership
(Book 6of 13). The Morgan County Partnership's Positive Action SEL and Wellness Program presents "Hair Love" by Academy Award-winnnig creator Matthew A. Cherry, illustrated by Vashti Harrison. "Hair Love is a heartwarming tale about a girl, her dad, and some awesome hair that is uniquely hers."
"Parents need to know that Hair Love, by former NFL wide receiver Matthew A. Cherry and illustrated by Vashti Harrison, is a lovingly depicted tale of a young African American girl's celebration of her hair and the special relationship she has with her father. Zuri is young and spirited, precocious and creative, and with the help of her dad is able to wrangle her kinky, coily hair into a style worthy of an extra special day. There are positive messages about patience and hard work, and Zuri has a keen awareness of her father's workload and all he does for her, especially when her mother is out of town. Harrison's rich, stylish, vivid illustrations amplify the story, which is based on Cherry's short animated film of the same name."
Coming up next: SHE PERSISTED by Chelsea Clinton
Teachers’ Tools for Navigation:
Discussion Questions:
Context and Connections:
• Traditions are important in families,
and in this film, one of the traditions
is that the mother does the hair of
her daughter. In your home who is in
charge of helping kids with their daily
routines? Why do you think that the
job is done by that person? What are
some struggles or challenges that
you remember while getting ready in
the morning?
• Beauty equals acceptance in our
culture much of the time, but is that
why you think it is so important for
Zuri to be able to walk out the door
feeling beautiful in the morning?
Characters, Setting and Story:
• Take note of the beginning of the
film. What is the setting? What things
do you observe in the setting that are
important to Zuri?
• Is the date an important one for
her? How do you know from her
• Who is Zuri’s “fashion consultant” on
her hairstyle?
• Have you ever watched a video to
help you learn something? If so, what
was it? Was it as easy as the video
showed? Why or why not?
• How does Zuri’s Dad feel about
trying to get her hair to look like she
wants? How do you know this is how
he feels, even though there is no
• In the “battle” scene, why do
you think Zuri’s hair becomes a
character? If you were going to
name the character and give it some
dialogue, what would its name be,
and what would it say to Dad? What
would Dad say back to it?
• When you find out about Mom,
what present does Zuri have that is
important? Describe what she brings
with her, and why it might be such an
important gift.
For more resources, see:
More Discussion Questions, see:
The Story Behind the Film:
For online printables:
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
PAWsitive YOGA for Kids! Weekly Wellness and Mindfulness from the Morgan...
Week 8 (original broadcast for July 22): School Therapist, Mrs. Lacee Kidwell, and her PAWsome YOGA assistant, tiny Alana, lead this beginners YOGA class with basic poses, stretches, and moves to promote health, wellness, and mindfulness skills. New Game this week: "Make a Sandwich" Super easy poses include Rock, Downward Dog, Ragdoll, Mountain, Star, Warrior II, Mountain, Tree, Downward Dog, Table, Rock, Shark, and Butterfly. Maybe even a Pretzel Twist too!
Excellent instruction for all ages; watch with your kids, ask friends to join you, or just follow with Mrs. Kidwell. Presented weekly by the Morgan County Partnership's Positive programming, follow here:
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Follow Instagram @positiveactions.mcp
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Tuesday, July 21, 2020
"The Day You Begin" PBS Race & Diversity Book Series from Morgan County ...
(Book 5 of 13). The Morgan County Partnership's Positive Action program presents "The Day You Begin" by Jacquline Woodson, illustrations by Rafael López
"Summary: National Book Award winner Jacqueline Woodson and two-time Pura Belpre Illustrator Award winner Rafael López have teamed up to create a poignant, yet heartening book about finding courage to connect, even when you feel scared and alone.
There will be times when you walk into a room
and no one there is quite like you.
There are many reasons to feel different. Maybe it’s how you look or talk, or where you’re from; maybe it’s what you eat, or something just as random. It’s not easy to take those first steps into a place where nobody really knows you yet, but somehow you do it."
See a beautiful story unfold before your eyes then join Mrs. Hott for "Let's Talk About It" discussion questions suitable for all ages, at home and in the classroom too. For more on Positive Actions, health, and community wellness, follow the Daily Dose at; Instagram @positiveactions.mcp;; and get the free mobile APP from AppleStore and GooglePlay. #JoinMCPapp
Coming up next: SHE PERSISTED by Chelsea Clinton
Teachers’ Tools for Navigation: Building classroom community around kindness and empathy is essential in building a safe, trusting environment for our students, and this text will be a perfect addition to any text set you have that focuses on these topics. In addition to these social-emotional impacts, the text allows for talks of theme, mood, and author’s intent.
Discussion Questions:
What is one way that you feel very different than most people around you? How could people support you? How could you support others who feel different?
What examples of people’s differences did Woodson highlight in the story?
What was the mood for the first large portion of the text?
What is the theme of the book?
Why do you think the author felt compelled to write this book?
Why are differences important in our community? Nation? Classroom?
*This study guide is provided by UNLEASHING READERS: Helping Readers of all ages navigate the world of books! For more resources, see:
Monday, July 20, 2020
Morgan County presents a virtual read a long series of 13 Race & Diversity children’s books
Morgan County presents a virtual read a long series of 13 Race & Diversity children’s books: MORGAN COUNTY, WV ( WDVM ) — Teaching young children about race and diversity can sometimes be challenging, but using booking to teach them can make a difference. The Hotts are a family in We…
MoTo Monday EMPATHY: Positive Action Word of the Week, 7/20/2020
Grab the kids, tell a friend, change the world! Positive Action's Word of the Week is EMPATHY. What IS empathy? Find out today as we take a walk in another's shoes. Listen to MoTo Monday to better understand the value of EMPATHY in our communities. Your voice matters! Why? Because YOU are unique, important, and wonderfully made, and remember.... "Keep Curious!"
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Friday, July 17, 2020
Family Art Week 3! Dray Yourself as a Warrior
Friday- Draw yourself as a warrior. Start thinking about yourself as a strong, capable person by drawing yourself as a warrior in this activity. Warriors protect people and keep them safe from harm. Warriors can be portrayed as Police, Firemen, Nurses and Doctors, Teachers, or any career where you are protecting and serving people. (PLEASE SEND YOUR CREATIONS TO WHEN YOU HAVE COMPLETED THIS PROJECT) 😊
The materials needed to create these activities most households will have but if you do not and would like to participate, please reach out to Ms. Mandi will ensure that you have what you need in time for the activities. I have included pictures of examples to give a clear idea of each project so you have a better understanding in case my directions aren’t very clear, but please feel free to be as creative as you’d like, as this is your family’s artwork.
Thursday, July 16, 2020
"I Am Enough" PBS Race & Diversity Book Series from Morgan County Partne...
(Book 4 of 13). The Morgan County Partnership's Positive Action program presents "I Am Enough" by Grace Byers.
"Like time, I’m here to be, and be everything I can.” The little girl in this story shines like the sun. She sings, soars, and stands like the mountains. “Like the winner, I’m here to win, and if I don’t, get up again.” She is strong and smart and loving and kind, but most importantly, she is herself, and that will always be enough."
With illustrations by Keturah A. Bobo, this beautiful book explores fun activities enjoyed by children of all colors and celebrates each child's unique qualities.
See a beautiful story unfold before your eyes then join Mrs. Hott for "Let's Talk About It" discussion questions suitable for all ages, at home and in the classroom too. For more on Positive Actions, health, and community wellness, follow the Daily Dose at; Instagram @positiveactions.mcp;; and get the free mobile APP from AppleStore and GooglePlay. #JoinMCPapp
From MCP:
Apply in the Classroom:
Read the first three pages. What language pattern do you
What does the author mean by, “Like the sun, I’m here to
What does the author mean by, “Like time, I’m here to be,
and be everything I can”?
Read the pages, “Like the champ, I’m here to fight” and
“Like the heart, I’m here to love.” How is it possible to do
What activities do the children enjoy in this story?
What does it mean to be, “Like a ladder, here to climb, and
like the air, to rise above”?
Read the page, “I’m not meant to be like you; you’re not
meant to be like me.” Do you agree? Why or why not?
Explain what the author means after reading the page,
“And in the end, we are right here to live a life of love, not
What do the children mean at the end of the story when
they declare, “I am enough”?
Extension Activities
Body Language. Provide each student with a large piece
of mural paper. Have the students work in pairs. While one
student lies down on the paper, the other student uses a pencil
to trace around the partner’s body. Students should cut out
their body and color the paper, adding hair, eyes, nose, mouth,
hands, feet, and clothing. Display the cutouts on the wall to
show how different and special all the students are.
Me Mobile. Ask the students to recall
some of the activities that the children
enjoyed doing in this story, and then ask
them to think about activities that they enjoy
doing themselves. Tell the students that they will
create a “Me Mobile” to highlight their favorite activities.
Give each student 4–6 pieces of poster board and have
them draw on each piece an activity that they enjoy doing.
Punch a hole in the top of each piece and tie a piece of yarn
to it. Use different lengths and colors of yarn. Then tie each
piece to a hanger. Display the “Me Mobiles” in the classroom.
Mirror Image. Reread aloud the page, “I know that we don’t
look the same: our skin, our eyes, our hair, our frame.” Bring in
some mirrors for the students to use. Have them look carefully
at themselves in the mirror and then make a self-portrait by first
sketching their face and then adding color.
Like Me. Ask the students to recall the
similes in this story and list them on a
chart. Examples include “Like the sun, I’m
here to shine,” “Like the voice, I’m here to
sing,” and “Like the bird, I’m here to fly.” Have
the students compose a poem using this language
pattern to describe themselves (e.g. “like the wind, I
race up a hill”). Students should illustrate their poem,
and then the poems can be collated into a class book.
#JoinMCPapp for the next PBS book picks on Race and Diversity, "The Day You Begin" by Jacqueline Woodson, illustrated by Rafael López
Family Art Week 3! Thursday Fun
Thursday FUN-Create a past, present and future self-portrait. This drawing or painting should reflect where you have been, who you are today, and how see yourself in the future. (PLEASE SEND YOUR CREATIONS TO WHEN YOU HAVE COMPLETED THIS PROJECT) 😊
The materials needed to create these activities most households will have but if you do not and would like to participate, please reach out to Ms. Mandi will ensure that you have what you need in time for the activities. I have included pictures of examples to give a clear idea of each project so you have a better understanding in case my directions aren’t very clear, but please feel free to be as creative as you’d like, as this is your family’s artwork.
Positive Parenting PSA from Ms Nikki Vol 4 EMPATHY; Morgan County Partne...
Ms Nikki hosts Positive Parenting PSA's from the Morgan County Partnership's programs to support wellness and family core values. For more discussion on the value of EMPATHY, join the Partnership Podcast new every Friday with resources to keep connected to the community with relevant discussions, stories, and news to help raise empathy for others.
Daily Dose:
On Instagram @positiveactions.mcp
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Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Family Art Week 3! Wednesday FUN!
Wednesday- Paint a mountain and a valley. The mountain can represent a time where you were happy, the valley, when you were sad. You can even try this: when you draw the upward motion for the mountain, take a deep breath in and when you draw the downward side of the mountain to the valley, let your breath out. Add elements that reflect specific events as well to make this project UNIQUE to you and your feelings.
The materials needed to create these activities most households will have but if you do not and would like to participate, please reach out to Ms. Mandi will ensure that you have what you need in time for the activities. I have included pictures of examples to give a clear idea of each project so you have a better understanding in case my directions aren’t very clear, but please feel free to be as creative as you’d like, as this is your family’s artwork.
PAWsitive YOGA for Kids! Weekly Wellness and Mindfulness from the Morgan...
Week 7 (original broadcast for July 15): School Therapist, Mrs. Lacee Kidwell, and her PAWsome YOGA assistant, tiny Alana, lead this beginners YOGA class with basic poses, stretches, and moves to promote health, wellness, and mindfulness skills. New Game this week: "The Mirror"
Excellent instruction for all ages; watch with your kids, ask friends to join you, or just follow with Mrs. Kidwell. Presented weekly by the Morgan County Partnership's Positive programming, follow here:
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Tuesday, July 14, 2020
"Sulwe" PBS Race & Diversity Book Series from Morgan County Partnership
(Book 3 of 13). The Morgan County Partnership's Positive Action program presents "Sulwe" by Lupita Nyong'o. "This Coretta Scott King award-winning picture book is about self-esteem and beauty within. It’s a whimsical and heartwarming story about a little girl who learns to embrace her unique self." “[My daughter] likes that [Sulwe] was brave when people were not nice to her.” -Alexandra, Parent of 4-year-old
"Sulwe has skin the color of midnight. She is darker than everyone in her family. She is darker than anyone in her school. Sulwe just wants to be beautiful and bright, like her mother and sister. Then a magical journey in the night sky opens her eyes and changes everything. In this stunning debut picture book, actress Lupita Nyong’o creates a whimsical and heartwarming story to inspire children to see their own unique beauty."
See a beautiful story unfold before your eyes then join Mrs. Hott for "Let's Talk About It" discussion questions suitable for all ages, at home and in the classroom too. For more on Positive Actions, health, and community wellness, follow the Daily Dose at; Instagram @positiveactions.mcp;; and get the free mobile APP from AppleStore and GooglePlay. #JoinMCPapp
From MCP:
Apply in the Classroom: Pause for "Let's Talk About It" Questions! This week, we consider how to resp ond when faced with prejudice.
Teachers: For printable lesson activities, go to:
Next, "I Am Enough"byGrace Byers
Family Art Week 3! Tuesday's FUN
The materials needed to create these activities most households will have but if you do not and would like to participate, please reach out to Ms. Mandi will ensure that you have what you need in time for the activities. I have included pictures of examples to give a clear idea of each project so you have a better understanding in case my directions aren’t very clear, but please feel free to be as creative as you’d like, as this is your family’s artwork.
Tuesday-Draw in sand or dirt. Like a Zen garden, this activity will have you drawing shapes and scenes in the sand, which can be immensely relaxing and a great way to clear your mind. You can draw a picture, pattern or express your emotions. (PLEASE SEND YOUR CREATIONS TO ME WHEN YOU HAVE COMPLETED THIS PROJECT) 😊
Monday, July 13, 2020
Family Art Therapy: Week 3 w/Ms. Mandi!

The materials needed to create these activities most households will have but if you do not and would like to participate, please reach out to Ms. Mandi, Morgan County Partnership Social Worker. She will ensure that you have what you need in time for the activities. I have included pictures of examples to give a clear idea of each project so you have a better understanding in case my directions aren’t very clear, but please feel free to be as creative as you’d like, as this is your family’s artwork.
Monday- Attach a drawing or message to a balloon. Draw on the balloon to express your feelings that are sad or unhappy and send them away in the sky. The negative emotions will then be set free to allow you to feel happy and more positive. You can also draw happy feelings such as a happy/smiley face and let the balloon go to spread happiness to others that are possibly having a bad day. BE CREATIVE and remember to be KIND!! (PLEASE SEND YOUR CREATIONS TO ME AT WHEN YOU HAVE COMPLETED THIS PROJECT and please feel free to comment what worked and what didn’t work for your family.) 😊
MoTo Monday INCLUSION: Positive Action Word of the Week, 7/6/2020
Grab the kids, tell a friend, change the world! Here is your Daily Dose! MoTo Monday INCLUSION: Positive Action Word of the Week, 7/13/2020, #JoinMCPapp #community #wellness
Positive Action's Word of the Week is INCLUSION. Join Summer Goller for her weekly STEAM activity for science, technology, engineering, arts, and math. Your voice matters! Why? Because YOU are unique, important, and wonderfully made, and remember.... "Keep Curious!"
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Thursday, July 9, 2020
Positive Parenting PSA from Ms Nikki Vol 3 INCLUSION
Ms Nikki hosts Positive Parenting PSA's from the Morgan County Partnership's programs to support wellness and family core values. For more, join the Partnership Podcast new every Friday with resources to keep connected to the community with relevant discussions, stories, and news to help raise empathy for others.
Daily Dose:
On Instagram @positiveactions.mcp
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"Whose Knees Are These" PBS Race & Diversity Book Series from Morgan Cou...
(Book 2 of 13). The Morgan County Partnership's Positive Action program presents "Whose Knees Are These" By Jabari Asim; illustrated by LeUyen Pham, for a series of stories on Race & Diversity. "This interactive and multicultural board book is a fun way to embrace diversity through a baby’s dimpled knees! Great for babies and toddlers. "Lilting language and bold shapes in flat colors encourage response as the narration asks who do these knees belong to? And in another book by Asim, your child will discover Whose Toes Are Those? The author's background as a poet is evident in the simple and evocative writing." "I love all my books but Whose Knees Are These? is my favorite. It reminds me of when I was little and my mom would tickle my knees when she read this to me.” -Sam, Age 9 --from
See a beautiful story unfold before your eyes then join Mrs. Hott for "Let's Talk About It" discussion questions suitable for all ages, at home and in the classroom too. For more on Positive Actions, health, and community wellness, follow the Daily Dose at; Instagram @positiveactions.mcp;; and get the free mobile APP from AppleStore and GooglePlay. #JoinMCPapp
From MCP:
Apply in the Classroom: Pause for "Let's Talk About It" Questions! Discuss that knees are all unique and wonderfully made. What is alike? What is different? Then, draw knees of people they know. Finally, what about animals....they have knees too! Have a fun discussion about the purpose of knees for our bodies, how they work; then, explore how our knees are quite alike!
Next, "Sulwe" by Lupita Nyong'o!
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
PAWsitive YOGA for Kids! Weekly Wellness and Mindfulness from the Morgan...
Week 6 (original broadcast for July 8): School Therapist, Mrs. Lacee Kidwell, and her PAWsome YOGA assistant, tiny Alana, lead this beginners YOGA class with basic poses, stretches, and moves to promote health, wellness, and mindfulness skills. New Partner Pose is super easy followed by "Special Place" Guided Relaxation, Cool Down.
Excellent instruction for all ages; watch with your kids, ask friends to join you, or just follow with Mrs. Kidwell. Presented weekly by the Morgan County Partnership's Positive programming, follow here:
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Follow Instagram @positiveactions.mcp
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Tuesday, July 7, 2020
"All Are Welcome" PBS Race & Diversity Book Series from Morgan County Pa...
(Book 1 of 13). The Morgan County Partnership's Positive Action program presents "All Are Welcome" By Alexandra Penfold; illustrated by Suzanne Kaufman, for a series of stories on Race & Diversity. "All are welcome at this school where diversity is celebrated and songs, stories, talents, and traditions are shared." See a beautiful story unfold before your eyes then join Mrs. Hott for "Let's Talk About It" discussion questions suitable for all ages, at home and in the classroom too. For more on Positive Actions, health, and community wellness, follow the Daily Dose at; Instagram @positiveactions.mcp;; and get the free mobile APP from AppleStore and GooglePlay. #JoinMCPapp
From PBS:
Apply in the Classroom
Start the school year off right when you welcome students and families with books and reading fun! When you share All Are Welcome, you deliver the important message that school is the place where every child is welcome. Follow the example in this book and host a community-building, back-to-school event that opens opportunities for talking about diversity, how we can learn from each other, and how we can have fun together even if we are different. Include a reading aloud of All Are Welcome at a back-to-school potluck picnic along with:
students and parents making welcome banners to decorate your school
a photo booth with props that say “welcome” in all the major languages spoken in your community
an opportunity for families to sign up for a public library card.
"Tucked In Tuesdays": I Can Do Hard Things with Ms Nikki, July 7, 2020
Grab your kiddos and blankie! Ms. Nikki returns for tonight's Tucked In Tuesday, STORY TIME, reading "I Can Do Hard Things"! More on Positive Actions YouTube Channel and free mobile APP to keep connected to your community. Subscribe to Positive Action YouTube Channel:, Follow on Instagram @positiveactions.mcp, Get the free mobile App at Apple Store and GooglePlay #mindfulness #positiveaction #mentalhealth #family #community
Monday, July 6, 2020
MoTo Monday Summer STEAM, UNITY: Positive Action Word of the Week, 7/6/2020
Positive Action's Word of the Week is UNITY. "A cord of 3 strands is not easily broken." Join Summer Goller for her weekly STEAM activity for science, technology, engineering, arts, and math. See the strength in unity, and the beauty when colors "unite" to create new and unique colors. UNITY, we all have an important part to play! Your voice matters! Summer illustrates UNITY with 3 cords, and remember.... "Keep Curious!"
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Thursday, July 2, 2020
Positive Parenting PSA from Ms Nikki Vol 2 UNITY
Ms Nikki hosts Positive Parenting PSA's from the Morgan County Partnership's programs to support wellness and family core values. For more, join the Partnership Podcast new every Friday with resources to keep connected to the community with relevant discussions, stories, and news to help raise empathy for others.
Daily Dose:
On Instagram @positiveactions.mcp
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Wednesday, July 1, 2020
Gardening for Wellness, w/the Morgan County Partnership, June 2020
Explore the world of Gardening for Wellness as Mrs. Kidwell takes us to see the Cougar High Tunnel at Warm Springs Intermediate School and the Garden Boxes at Berkeley Springs High School! Review positive actions words for summer and share joy in seeing growing community gardens, from back yards, school, to inner cities. Photos provided by MCP Staff and by Levi Hott, Barbara Ingram School for the Arts Digital Communications and Musician Student. From the garden to the table, stay tuned to see more of our growing gardens. And follow Aimee Tutor, WVU Extension Office field expert for more information. Watch how Wellness Gardening can improve well being!
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PAWsitive YOGA for Kids! Weekly Wellness and Mindfulness from the Morgan...
Week 5 (original broadcast for July 1): School Therapist, Mrs. Lacee Kidwell, and her PAWsome YOGA assistant, tiny Alana, lead this beginners YOGA class with basic poses, stretches, and moves to promote health, wellness, and mindfulness skills. New Game, "Nature Walk'" is super easy followed by The Awakening Gratitude Cool Down.
Excellent instruction for all ages; watch with your kids, ask friends to join you, or just follow with Mrs. Kidwell. Presented weekly by the Morgan County Partnership's Positive programming, follow here:
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WELLNESS Wed🤗 Wk12Ep54S8🧘🏽♀️YOGA for Kids🌈 WELLNESS/BIENESTAR 🎉12/1/2...
WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS! In the classroom, at home or work, and virtual school, all use Positive Actions to focus on community well being. The ...