October 26, 2017
LOOK!  Thank you Mrs. Boyles for sharing this!  
Here is a tool for teachers....I know you all are super busy but the positive energy in this video is both so inspiring and motivational.   So....got me thinking.... wonder if we can do a mural too?  (I LOVE the Dr. King wall.) Check out the link below:

October 5, 2017
We just finished the music video for "Mr. Cable's Cougar Creed"!  For your upcoming staff meeting on Monday, October 9th, Levi and I will be delivering the school ukuleles to play along with this music video for the Makin Music Monday vlogcasts.  At the meeting, our goals are:
* deliver ukes (and they are super cute too!) and review tuning strings (it's easy, Black Cat got everyone a tuner)
* quick music review - illustrate three simple chords
* review the song together
* tips for uke use!  Teacher play along and student sharing

Please remember, we sure don't expect that you become a uke player overnight (or at all)!  Just have fun jamming along with this music video as the students learn the values.  Honestly, I can not keep up with these guys either!  (Shhhhhh.....I missed the majority of the chords!)  This video will be available on the vlogcast to do the music for you.  As the year progresses, we will incorporate various outside community groups singing Mr. Cable's Cougar Creed - including our Morgan County Board of Education at the WSIS meeting on Nov. 7th.

The Positive Action goal is that students will remember the school values, go home singing a little, and eventually not only our school community but that outside the school will catch on too!

Thank YOU all for your PAWsitive action and trying this new idea!  Here is the link:

September 24, 2017

Tips for Teachers - MHA, Mental Health America, shares 12 ways to help to help students who struggle with emotions or behavior!  Check out #6 -- includes the Positive Action Program! Thank YOU all for being an important part of making a difference at WSIS.  Here is the link:  Tips for Teachers: Ways to Help Students Who Struggle with Emotions or Behavior

Be sure to read #12!!!  I think YOU will LOVE it!  Works for ME every time - when I can find time - and it is so important for each of YOU to take time for YOU!

September 20, 2017
I came across this pretty pawsome interview with Lady Gaga's mom, Cynthia Germanatta, and the radio interview is with Josh Hollin (son of Bill Hollin, Isaac's instrument director at the Barbara Ingram School for the Arts in Hagerstown).  It is from a nation-wide kindness effort aired on "Channel Kindness" - I hope you find it inspiring!

September 1, 2017
THANK YOU ALL!!!  You guys did fantabulous making vlogs for our Tuesday lessons!  If we missed you this week, we will schedule another time.  And, I was wondering if it would be alright to come to the Specials Team Meeting on a Friday?  (When we were looking for you guys yesterday, I discovered that you were on duty/busy.)  

So....coming soon:
These days will be designed for both you and your students to have a moment to "talk" about stuff. I will attempt to help provide conversation starters to give students an opportunity to share and build relationships.

This week's word is:    HONESTY

Here is your Teacher Tool.  I LOVE Faulkner, so I hope you guys will find this tool interesting.  And, just imagine if our students embraced "honesty" today and what that would mean for tomorrow's world:

August 25, 2017
CONGRATULATIONS!  We finished our first week of school!  And, thank you ALL for working and developing our new community character ed lessons with "Paw"sitive Action, but mostly, thanks for lighting a fire for these children!  

For your teacher toolbox this week.....we have pretty awesome surprise for our classroom teachers.  I am posting the link below for you to check out.  And, if you can guess what the surprise is, well, comment/or email me (Angie)!  Get ready...this is going to be a GREAT year (and I will apologize in advance for the singing and giggles)!

August 19, 2017
Thank YOU!  For being a teacher!  And, for helping all our "little flippers...with big hearts," because it is, indeed, YOU!,... teachers who will change the world!  Watch this (link will direct you via Facebook if viewing outside school):

Or, try "If you want to change the world, make your bed." (It is the same video.) Each of you may have a little Navy SEAL sitting in your classroom this year.

And,...because EVERY teacher needs a pep talk:

Social Emotional Learning

Great educators teach the whole child, preparing students for college and careers, healthy adult relationships, and developing strong, positive identities. Students’ abilities to manage their emotions, overcome challenges, and develop pro-social relationships impact their academic achievement and overall wellness. So, how can schools foster social emotional learning to meet all the learning needs of all students?
Visit the "TEACHER'S TOOLBOX" for useful links, devotionals, and tips to help encourage and inspire teacher's daily challenges for Positive Actions.  Cutie the Cougar and the Morgan County Partnership is here to support YOU! (And, if you are having any issues in your classroom you would like addressed, please let us know in order to prepare specific classroom related presentations specific to your student's needs!)

Teacher Tools & Tips:
Daily/Weekly Devotionals:

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WELLNESS Wed🤗 Wk12Ep54S8🧘🏽‍♀️YOGA for Kids🌈 WELLNESS/BIENESTAR 🎉12/1/2...

WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS! In the classroom, at home or work, and virtual school, all use Positive Actions to focus on community well being. The ...