Wednesday, September 11, 2019

HONESTY: Sept. 12, 2019, Raise the roof....

on student assets!  
Where ALL students are UNIQUE and WONDERFULLY MADE!

Today is Raising Student Assets Thursday!

I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions today, Sept. 12, 2019! As we continue to improve our positive thoughts, actions and feelings, today we will take a look at raising student assets and a super important positive action word:


Tell your teacher what you think the word "HONESTY" means.

To be HONEST means:
"free from deceipt, lies, untruths, to be sincere, 
 fairly earned, especially through hard work,
 morally correct, virtuous"
It is a POSTiVE ACTION to be HONEST!  

Meet another super "senior" scholar who lives in Morgan County; Mr. Sylvester Ziler!  He has a beautiful smile and positive advice for students about trucks!  Peterbuilt are his favorite; and he still wants a new truck. Here he is:

Now, watch this video with a positive HONESTY lesson:

Were you surprised?  I hope so!  

So, sometimes it is hard to do the right thing; but when we do, look how good it makes us feel to be HONEST.  And, when you think about it, the student who is HONEST really shows that he CARES for others too.  Because, how can the teacher know how to help them both if they are not honest on their exam?  Being honest is always a positive action!

Look at this picture and talk about what you see:

Students that are HONEST
 can change the world!

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WELLNESS Wed🤗 Wk12Ep54S8🧘🏽‍♀️YOGA for Kids🌈 WELLNESS/BIENESTAR 🎉12/1/2...

WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS! In the classroom, at home or work, and virtual school, all use Positive Actions to focus on community well being. The ...