Friday, August 18, 2017

Building Blocks for our Cougar Classrooms

...where ALL students are UNIQUE and Wonderfully Made!


I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions today, August 23rd!  We are going to continue spending some time looking at the Cougar Creed and taking a Cougar Crawl around Warm Springs Intermediate School over the next two weeks. 

Did you like the Minion's review of "Classroom Rules"?  Check out Wednesday's Video where our yellow friends return to review rules that apply for our Cougar Community that Cares.  Let's take a look at how following the classroom rules looks like Positive Actions, and pay close attention for scenes from yesterday too, they're important:

Now, let's take turns reading a few guidelines from Mr. Cable that apply to Warm Springs Intermediate Schools's Classroom and Related Arts, including-like the Minions Video Vednesday-
the Library!

Next, watch today's Positive Actions Video Vlog from Mrs. Hott:

Let's close today with the Positive Action Theme Song!  On your feet,...and ready to be positive!

(If time allows or perhaps later in the day, for a classroom exercise, try making a scene of each "rule".  Start by grouping students and having them "act" each rule.  Then talk about why the rule works and is a positive action!)

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WELLNESS Wed🤗 Wk12Ep54S8🧘🏽‍♀️YOGA for Kids🌈 WELLNESS/BIENESTAR 🎉12/1/2...

WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS! In the classroom, at home or work, and virtual school, all use Positive Actions to focus on community well being. The ...