For video lessons, go to Using Positive Actions to discover student's self concept, raise developmental assets, achieve individual academic success, and build strong relationships at home, school, and in our community! Join the Morgan County Partnership to Engage. Educate. Empower.
"...where ALL students are UNIQUE and Wonderfully made!..."
Friday, May 28, 2021 ACTIVITY Week 36 🍎 COMMUNITY💡COMMUNIDAD🥰
🥳 Fun Friday! Week 36💜 Community, comunidad ⏰ May 28, 2021
Thursday, May 27, 2021
❤️ Thankful Thursday, Wk 36 🥳 Comunnity, comunidad May 27, 2021
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
🌿 🍎 Wellness Wednesday, Wk 36 😃 community, comunidad May 26, 2021
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
😊 Talk It Out Tuesday, Wk 36 "The Perfectly Perfect Wish" 🌈 Commnuity, c...
Monday, May 24, 2021
🎨"2021 Family Art Therapy Week 21"COMMUNITY/COMMUNIDAD, with Ms. Mandi, BSW🎨
A group of people living in the same place or |
having a particular characteristic in common. |
Your projects can be uploaded and emailed to me at: OR
Please check the links on for other art therapy projects and Positive Action videos.
Monday- Project: What Type of Community Do You Live In?
Materials: Your family will sit together and think about what your community looks like. You will need a large piece of white paper, markers, crayons, colored pencils, a pencil with an eraser and a ruler.
What are the buildings in your community that mean the most to you? What kind of a community do you live in: rural, urban, suburban? What do you like about your community? What would you change if you could?
Communities are unique in their own way, just like people. No two communities are the same: the people, stores, schools, churches, parks, courthouses and landscape is all different. Some are more diverse than others. Some are in rural areas, whereas others are in suburban and urban areas.
You and your family will draw and color the community where you live. Make sure to add the buildings that are most important to your family. There are a few pictures attached to explain the different types of communities.
Tuesday- Project: Building Your Community One Box At A Time
Materials: boxes of different sizes, construction paper, paper towel holders, toilet paper tubes, scissors, glue, markers, crayons (you can add whatever you would like to build your community). You need your family to brainstorm which buildings you want to include in your display. You can include landscaping, monuments, animals, flags, trucks and cars etc.
(This lesson builds from Monday you can use your drawing as your template for building your community).
Think about the type of community you live in and what is important to mention or add to your model. Does your community have a local park with a pool? Does your community have a shopping center? Barber shop? Store with window front shopping? Garages or car dealers? Schools and how many? Courthouses? Talk with your family about the importance of these stores and buildings. What would you like to add to your community if you could? How far does your family have to travel to shop at your favorite stores?
Once you have brainstormed, you can start to create your project with your family. Start with your base or large piece of construction paper. You can also use a cardboard box and flatten it out to make a sturdy platform. Then cover it with roads, grass, or the choice of your foundation, then start adding your buildings and landscaping. Make sure to label your buildings.
Wednesday- Project: Who Are The Heroes In Your Community?
Materials: White paper, crayons, colored pencils, a pencil with an eraser, and your family to brainstorm the people of your community that you consider to be heroes. You can make a list of these people and then work together with your family to create your picture.
You will each take part in creating the list and drawing/coloring the community members you named. Think of the people you encounter daily: teachers, store workers, doctors, military, dentists, bus drivers, police, mail carriers, firemen, bank tellers, pharmacists, gas attendants, trashmen, restaurant workers etc. You can add as many heroes as you would like to your creation.
Every person in your community plays a vital role in making your community run smoothly. Each worker does something different to provide a support or service to others in the community. Think about what would happen if certain people did not perform the job duties that they do. How would this change your community?
Once you have completed your picture, you can ask your local businesses if they would like to display your artwork. For example: The Ice-House in Berkeley Springs or the Library.
Thursday- Project: What Part Of The Beehive Community Are You Most Like?
Materials: You will need the information below, the attached Beehive template and your family to discuss your positive traits, a pencil, eraser, crayons, colored pencils or something to color with. (You can choose whatever you prefer).
Once you have read over the below information, each family member should choose which Beehive member you are most like. (Given gender is not a factor because as mentioned most bees are females). What makes you most like the bee you chose? What jobs or tasks do you perform within your family or community that represent the bee you chose? Once you choose the type of bee you are most like, you will decorate your beehive (template) or you can draw one on your own. Using the Beehive Template, you will choose to either write a poem, story or list the jobs that you perform within your home/community that make you most like the bee of you choose.
There are 3 different types of Beehive Community workers: The Queen, the Drones and the Workers.
The Queen
Worker Bees
is the only fertile female in the colony. It is the only member that can lay
fertilized eggs. She signals to the rest of the bee colony that all is well in the hive with the
other bees.
The Drone or Male Honeybee have only one task: fertilization. Drones have neither
stingers to help defend the hive nor the necessary body structure for collecting pollen or
nectar to contribute and feed the community.
Worker bees constitute the largest population in the colony and are all
Worker bees have many different jobs: Cleaners- clean and polish the empty cells,
Undertakers- remove dead bees from the hive, Nurses- care for the developing bees,
Builders- produce wax to build hives, Temperature Controllers- control the humidity and
temperature of the hive, Guards- guards the hive and watches for cracks in the hive, and
Foragers- search of nectar, water, pollen and propolis. They can make about ten trips a
day, each one lasting about an hour and return to their hive at sunset. At this final phase of
Friday- Project: Community Rock Art
Materials: Small- smooth, clean rocks, Paintbrushes, paints of different colors, paper towels and water to wash your brushes. You will need to work with your family to come up with positive words to paint onto your rocks. There are several examples listed below but please feel free to come up with something else. Once you and your family have painted your rocks, place them around your community for others to find. This will brighten their day and put a smile on their face to see your beautiful artwork and display in the community.
Think about how you feel when you read positive words or when you come across something beautiful that is unexpected.
Have you ever found one of these painted rocks? How did it make you feel? Did you decide to keep it or re-hide it for someone else to find? Why is spreading joy and positivity within your community important? Please discuss these questions with your family and hold a conversation about the importance of kindness and positivity. Think about the reverse. What would your community look like if people were negative all the time? How would this change the atmosphere of your community?
Please Access for more links, videos, and art projects.
I hope you have a great weekend!! If you have a fun idea, please let me know so that I can incorporate them into another fun activity for your family!
Thank you for your participation, Ms. Mandi, MSW- Intern
🍎 Moto Monday Week 36😊 Community, Comunidad ⏰ May 24, 2021
Friday, May 21, 2021
🥳 Fun Friday! Week 35💜 GOLDEN RULE, regla de oro VALUES/VALORES ⏰ May 21...
Thursday, May 20, 2021
❤️ Thankful Thursday, Week 35 🥳 GOLDEN RULE - Regla de oro VALUES/VALORE...
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
🐶Martin's Moments Ep14 POSITIVE ACTIONS 🥰 Week 35🍎 Values🎸Valores🌎Positi...
🌿 🍎 Wellness Wednesday, Week 35 😃 Golden Rule - Regla de oro VALUES/VAL...
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
😊 Talk It Out Tuesday, WK 35 "The Wednesday Surprise" 🌈 GOLDEN RULE, re...
Monday, May 17, 2021
🎨"2021 Family Art Therapy Week 20" GOLDEN RULE, Values/REGALA de ORO, Valores with Ms. Mandi, BSW🎨
This week’s projects are going to be related to the Positive Action Word of the Week- GOLDEN RULE
*Treating others as you want to be treated*Your projects can be uploaded and emailed to me at: OR
Please check the links on for other art therapy projects and Positive Action videos.
Materials: Today you will need an aluminum can, tape (any color), scissors, paint if you would like to paint designs, paint brushes, ribbon, and bird seed. Your family members should each create a feeder to hang in your yard as a source of food for wildlife. Squirrels also like to eat seed.
Each member of your family will need a can to make this project. (Safety Note: have an adult cut the can as shown and tape around the sharp edge so no one gets cut), then you will either use decorative tape (washi tape) or you can also paint the can to create a design. Then, you will tie a ribbon through the center (as shown) so you can hang your bird feeder. Lastly, you will fill the can 1⁄2 way.
(You can also use a paper towel roll or a toilet paper roll, however, when it rains, they become wet and can tear.)
Remember: Respect for others also applies to animals. We treat people, animals and things with respect to follow the GOLDEN RULE. How does feeding wildlife show respect?
Materials: You can choose to use the template provided to write a letter, draw a picture, or
you can choose one of the other options: template, pencil, crayons, paints, brushes, etc. Please feel free to create your own project with your family if you would like.
Once your family has chosen and completed a special project, please bring it to your school. Give them to the counselor or social worker and I will collect them to make sure the Veterans of our community and neighboring areas receive them. This is a wonderful way to show your support for the ones that protect and serve our country.
How does it make you/your family feel when someone treats you with respect? How does it make you feel when someone does something special for you? Have a conversation with your family about this.
Wednesday- POSTER: WHAT DOES THE GOLDEN RULE MEAN TO YOU? Materials: Posterboard, construction paper, markers, crayons, pencil, eraser, paints or
(whatever your family may want to use to create your poster).
With your family, you will be creating a poster to show what the GOLDEN RULE means to your family. There are a few ideas attached below but please feel free to use your imagination with this project.
You will brainstorm with your family to think of a theme for this poster. What would you like to include and why? Your poster should show the people and things that you treat with respect, the things that are important to you and even symbols to represent respect and kindness to your family.
Materials: Today is a free art day, which means you can create anything that you would
like, as long as, it’s made for someone special to you.
Think about the person in your life that means the most to you. Then, think of things that make them happy: colors, signs, flowers, animals, shapes, texture etc. You and your family are going to work on this project together. You will think of one person that has impacted your lives, make a project for them and then give it to them. After you have gifted your project to your special person, talk with your family about the reaction the person had and why you think you got that reaction. Was the person happy, did the person cry, did they thank you? How do nice deeds make others feel? How do you feel when someone makes you something special?
This can be a painting, drawing, rock art, poem, story with pictures, water coloring, or something you create out of items like a collage.
The Golden Rule is very important because when we treat each other with kindness, respect and care it creates a positive atmosphere which promotes serotonin to be released in the brain, which improves your mental health.
As we have learned through Positive Actions, the term the “GOLDEN RULE” wraps many of our terms into one: KINDNESS, CARING, HUMILITY, RESPECT and many more. The Golden Rule is a broad term for how we should treat others all the time. Try to remember that we all have feelings that should be cared for.
Materials: Paper of different colors, scissors, glue, a marker and your family members. If you do not have these materials, there is a template you can print and color for this activity.
Each member will need these materials or the template to create their own flower. You will decide how many petals you would like to cut out. You will brainstorm: first your center will need a title which will be something related to the Golden Rule: Kindness, Caring, Respect etc. The petals are going to be things/ways, that you show that action to others: holding the door for someone, taking out the trash, saying nice things, complimenting someone, etc.
When you have completed your flower, you can choose someone you care about to give your project to. This will show them that you care. 😊
SEND PROJECT PICTURES TO: 😊 OR Amanda.knepper@k12.wv.usPlease Access for more links, videos, and art projects.
I hope you have a great weekend!! If you have a fun idea, please let me know so that I can incorporate them into another fun activity for your family!
Thank you for your participation, Ms. Mandi Knepper, MSW-intern
WELLNESS Wed🤗 Wk12Ep54S8🧘🏽♀️YOGA for Kids🌈 WELLNESS/BIENESTAR 🎉12/1/2...
WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS! In the classroom, at home or work, and virtual school, all use Positive Actions to focus on community well being. The ...