This week’s projects are going to be related to the Positive Action Word of the Week- MEMORY.
By participating in creative family art projects, YOU will be making memories with family. Remember to have fun while making memories!!
Your CREATIONS can be uploaded and emailed to me at: Amanda.Knepper@k12.wv.us Please check the links on PositiveValuesNetwork.com for other art therapy projects and
Positive Action videos.
Making Memories on Monday- Project: Family Hand-Print Project
Today we will be using paint to create a family print project that you can display in your home. You will need paper, paint and your family members to make this project successful. Please include your pets as well. Your family will brainstorm to see what kind of picture you want to create: feel free to make animals, do random placement of your hands or whatever you would like. You will only need one sheet of paper unless your family wants to create more than one picture. You will need different colors of paint. Each member of the
family will paint one of their hands with paint and then place it onto the paper to make a hand-print. Repeat until each person has had a chance to make a print. There are several examples attached below.
(PLEASE SEND YOUR CREATIONS TO ME AT amanda@morganpartnership.org WHEN YOU HAVE COMPLETED THIS PROJECT and please feel free to comment what worked and what didn’t work for your family.) π
Tuesday- Project- Creative Family Tree of Memories
Today you will need paper, paint, and your family members. You will brainstorm with your family to see how you would like to make your tree. You can use the tree template or choose to make a tree of your own. You can either use your whole hands or fingerprints. Be creative in making your family tree. When you have completed this project (and it had dried completely), you can add your family member’s names as well.
Wednesday- Project: Windy Windmills
We have been having some windy weather here lately!!! So, in relation to the weather, we are going to be making windmills today. Your family will need paper, markers/crayons, scissors, a stick or straw, and either a stapler, tape or hot glue gun and glue sticks. You can feel free to decorate or color your windmill however you want. You can add glitter, stickers, buttons, or you can use wrapping paper to give a neat design. Lastly, you can take them outside to see if they work! Does the wind blow the windmill around in circles? Can you blow on it and make it spin? Did you have fun making these? Talk with your family members to see what worked well and what didn’t.
Thankful Thursday- Project: Spring Bouquet
Today we will be creating a flower bouquet for our family out of an egg crate. You will need an egg crate, paper, scissors, markers, green pipe-cleaners, and glue or a hot glue gun and glue sticks. You can even add buttons to the flowers if you have them, stickers, glitter or whatever you have that you would like to use for this activity.
We are thankful for our family’s every day. They are there to provide support and to build us up when we are down. So today we are going to make a project that we can give to a family member to brighten their day. They can display their bouquet somewhere special to remind them of you.
Friday- Project: String/Nail Art
Today you will need: a small board, hammer (or a few hammers), several small nails, string or thin yarn and your family members. You will decide with your family if you are going to make a shape, a letter, or picture. You may want to lightly sketch on your board first to outline where you want your nails to go. You will use the hammer and nails to outline your design, then, you will use the string to wrap around the nails to create your picture.
There are several pictures attached for explanation. Have fun with this!!
(PLEASE SEND YOUR CREATIONS TO amanda@morganpartnership.org WHEN YOU HAVE COMPLETED THIS PROJECT) π You can also use Amanda.knepper@k12.wv.us to email your projects.
Please Access PositiveValuesNetwork.com for more links, videos, and art projects.
I hope you have a great weekend!! Please share what you liked best and what you would like me to change for next time. If you have a fun idea, please let me know so that I can incorporate them into another fun activity for your family!
Thank you for your participation, Ms. Mandi
Why is a family tree important? Property Ownership A family tree is a record of a family's lineage. Family trees establish rights of inheritance and rights to property and they can be critical to proving or disproving important questions of law |
Resilience Knowing our family history builds resilience. In learning about our ancestors’ lives, we can see patterns of overcoming failures and surviving hard times. Their stories remind us that surely not everything in life will work easily, that disappointments occur and inequalities exist, but that we can recover, triumph, and find happiness despite hardships. Compassion |
Learning the history of our ancestors helps us gain a greater understanding of the challenges they faced, and it often inspires greater love and compassion for their flaws and mistakes. This compassion can easily translate to our relationships with the living, within our families and outside them. We all face hard things. Remembering that fact in the context of others’ shortcomings allows us to be better employees, managers, spouses, parents, children, siblings, and human beings. Connection Human beings desire attachment, belonging, and connection. The relationships we form with other people can be incredibly durable, not only with people in our present, but also with people in our past and future. The more we discover about our past, the greater a connection we feel to our ancestors. As we record our own history, we open the opportunity for future generations to |
connect with us when we are gone. Core Identity Knowing our cultural background and where we came from can help us develop a strong sense of who we really are. The way we relate to our family stories and create our own narratives about ourselves helps establish our unique, authentic core identity. Medically A family medical history can identify people with a higher-than-usual chance of having common
disorders, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, certain cancers, and diabetes. ...
Healthcare providers may also encourage regular checkups or testing for people with What does a family tree represent? Family trees are one of several types of data that are compiled of names, ages, DOB, DOD, and other things that connect people in a family. Family trees consist of people and the relationships between them. IMPORTANCE OF FAMILY ROLES |
Family is the single most important influence in a child's life. From their first moments of life, children depend on parents and family to protect them and provide for their needs. They are a child's first teachers and act as role models in how to act and how to experience the world around them. How do you define roles and responsibilities? |
Roles — Generally, roles are the positions team members assume or the parts that they play in a particular operation or process. ...
Responsibilities — On the other hand, responsibilities are the specific tasks or duties that members are expected to complete as a function of their roles.
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