...where ALL students are UNIQUE and Wonderfully Made!
Welcome Morgan County FAMILIES to
The Morgan County Partnership is soooo pleased to provide our greater community with continued online Positive Actions programming with our regularly scheduled
"Daily PAWsitive Actions Community Vlogcast"
Students may find us on social media or your teachers will be forwarding links via DOJO with each day's broadcast for families to share Positive Actions together!
Our Social and Emotional Wellness will be supported as we, especially now, continue each day with positive
How PAWsome that our regularly scheduled Positive Word of the Week for March 23-27 is THINK! Let's all try it!
First, let's do this together....
Begin each day with a POSITIVE THOUGHT!
Think it and believe it! How about this?
"I am wonderfully made!"
Mrs. Hott and Mrs. Sheima are SUPER excited to share Positive Actions with Morgan County students because today, and each Monday, is when we "motor-up" YOUR school week and get ready for more PAWsome days of learning and growing...
The Morgan County Partnership is soooo pleased to provide our greater community with continued online Positive Actions programming with our regularly scheduled
"Daily PAWsitive Actions Community Vlogcast"
Students may find us on social media or your teachers will be forwarding links via DOJO with each day's broadcast for families to share Positive Actions together!
Our Social and Emotional Wellness will be supported as we, especially now, continue each day with positive
How PAWsome that our regularly scheduled Positive Word of the Week for March 23-27 is THINK! Let's all try it!
First, let's do this together....
Begin each day with a POSITIVE THOUGHT!
Think it and believe it! How about this?
"I am wonderfully made!"
Mrs. Hott and Mrs. Sheima are SUPER excited to share Positive Actions with Morgan County students because today, and each Monday, is when we "motor-up" YOUR school week and get ready for more PAWsome days of learning and growing...
"MOTO Monday!"
or, "Motovation Monday" where we will see a vlog to get our week "motored-up" with positive thoughts, actions, and feelings!
Today is March 23, 2020!
Get ready to be inspired......watch this!
Go to this link: MoTo Monday for 3/23/2020, THINK
or try below:
Our PAWsitive Action "word of the week"is: think
And in Spanish: pensar
Try to say "pensar"!
(TRY THIS LINK FOR THE SPANISH PRONOUNCIATION, and click the speaker icon to hear in Spanish):
For Positive Actions, we are learning about wonderful words that build our Social and Emotional Wellness to help us all get along (at home, school, and in the community), raise our student assets, build confidence, and improve our academics!

Today is March 23, 2020!
Get ready to be inspired......watch this!
Go to this link: MoTo Monday for 3/23/2020, THINK
or try below:
Social & Emotional Wellness!
Maybe you've been hearing the word "social distancing" lately? That means for our physical health, we need to be staying home for a while. However, if we THINK positive, we CAN be social remotely with digital media, or #AloneTogether, right? So, keep reading our Daily PAWsitive Actions Community Vlogcast and Mrs. Hott and Mrs. Sheima will be her with you!
"Social-Emotional Wellness. Emotional wellness, social skills, and life skills are important tools for children to develop. They affect how children view themselves, interact with others, evaluate challenges, and explore choices. This includes handling stress, negative feelings, and difficult situations positively."
In order to help our emotions be healthy and well, we will be talking about a PAWsome word this week, THINK!
Our PAWsitive Action "word of the week"is: think
And in Spanish: pensar
Try to say "pensar"!
(TRY THIS LINK FOR THE SPANISH PRONOUNCIATION, and click the speaker icon to hear in Spanish):
For Positive Actions, we are learning about wonderful words that build our Social and Emotional Wellness to help us all get along (at home, school, and in the community), raise our student assets, build confidence, and improve our academics!

- The word "THINK" means "to have an idea, using your mind actively, imagine, fancy, realize, envision, to form an idea into one's mind with or without deliberation consideration or reflection."
This week, we will learn more about POSITIVE character values, physical and intellectual wellness for our body and brain. On the vlogcast this week, we will see PAWsome students from MC After 3 conducting Positive Action interviews, Frozen's OLAF dream about SPRING, visit the "Kids Counselor" with WSMS students, and finally a special guest for Fun Friday, Senator Shelley Moore Capito.
Get Ready for a POSITIVE school day...filled with super scholars with PHYSICAL, INTELLECTUAL, & EMOTIONAL WELLNESS
On your feet, push in your chair, find a safe space, it's time to sing the
Positive Action Theme Song!
Go to this link:
Positive Action Theme Song/Dance
or try this:
Positive Action Theme Song!
Go to this link:
Positive Action Theme Song/Dance
or try this:
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