For video lessons, go to Using Positive Actions to discover student's self concept, raise developmental assets, achieve individual academic success, and build strong relationships at home, school, and in our community! Join the Morgan County Partnership to Engage. Educate. Empower.
"...where ALL students are UNIQUE and Wonderfully made!..."
Tuesday, December 31, 2019
"12 Days of Read A longs" Dec. 31 "A snow man all year" Christmas Holid...
Looking for something to do this New Year's Eve? Join our PAWsitive Partners tonight at 7:00 for STORY TIME! Gather round for another great book, "A SNOW MAN ALL YEAR" with Mrs. Hott tonight for the Morgan County Partnership's "12 Days of Read-A-Longs" and if you've missed a story, you can binge watch them ALL on the Positive Action YouTube Channel. See you in 2020 for another book and go Tell a friend!
Monday, December 30, 2019
"12 Days of Read A longs" Dec. 30 "Spanish Poetry, Gloria Fuertes" Chri...
Ms. Sheima beautifully reads poetry to us in Spanish tonight for our "12 Days of Read-A-Longs" so log on to listen to author Gloria Fuertes. Reading for pleasure helps raise scholars Developmental Asset # 25! Grab your jammies and bring a friend!
Sunday, December 29, 2019
"12 Days of Read A longs" Dec. 29 "Smelly Socks" Christmas Holiday 2019...
"SMELLY SOCKS" Discover what happens when you don't change your socks for a month! Don't miss this funny story time tonight at 7:00 for the "12 Days of Read-A-Longs" Here's one Ms Angie never heard of....maybe YOU too!..."Smelly Socks" Reading for fun raises our Developmental Assets, so gather round and tell a friend!
Saturday, December 28, 2019
"12 Days of Read A longs" Dec. 28 "Seven Silly Eaters" Christmas Holiday...
Ms. Nikki returns for "12 Days of Read-A-Longs" at 7 tonight with Ms Susan's favorite book, "SEVEN SILLY EATERS"! Tell your friends it's Story Time!
Friday, December 27, 2019
"12 Days of Read A longs" Dec. 27 "If you where a penguin" By Wendell an...
Becca Stotler-Griffith reads "If YOU were a Penguin" tonight for our Positive Action's "12 Days of Read-A-Longs!" It's super cute, so tell your friends to gather under the tree on YouTube for Story Time! Students who enjoy and engage in readIng for fun most days of the week enhance their Developmental Asset #25, READING FOR PLEASURE!
Thursday, December 26, 2019
"12 Days of Read A longs" Dec.26 "Good night moon" In Spanish! By Margar...
Super Scholars! We have a special surprise! Read along to "Goodnight Moon" today at 7:00 p.m. and hear Ms. Sheima read in Spanish! Exposure to Developmental Asset #34, "Cultural Competence" improves students' academic and emotional wellness. Gather round the tree in your jammies too! Tell a friend to join us for the "12 Days of Read-A-Longs!
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
"12 Days of Read A longs" Dec.25 " The Christmas Story" Bible: Christmas...
"GOOD NEWS!" Hey Super Scholars!!!! PAWitive Actions has some GOOD NEWS to share! Tune in with friends and family tonight at 7:00 for tonights Story Time! Watch the "12 Days of Read-A-Longs"....we want YOU to remember the GOOD NEWS too!
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
"12 Days of Read A longs" Dec. 24 "The night before Christmas" By Clem...
It's Christmas Eve! Here's a story!
Monday, December 23, 2019
"12 Days of Read A longs" Dec. 23 "How to catch an Elf" By Adam and Andy...
Is your Elf being ornery? Our "12 Days of Read-A-Longs!" returns tonight with "HOW TO CATCH AN ELF" . Please join Becca Stotler-Griffith tonight at 7:00 for Story Time, and if you've missed a story, previous books are live on the Positive Action YouTube channel. Just log on with your kiddos and read together!
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Community that Cares on Dec. 20, 2019, with Dr. "MAC"
...where ALL students are UNIQUE and Wonderfully Made!
Today is FUN FRIDAY where we see that our community cares about the students in
Morgan County Schools!
Morgan County Schools!
I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions today, Dec. 20, 2019! Each Fun Friday in Positive Actions, we celebrate the PAWsome community where we live and meet a new friend who cares about YOU!
Our community has some super amazing folks who share their GIFTS with us! Meet a fella from the Emergency Room whose GIFT is helping others. Maybe you know him? Dr. "Mac" wants to show us around a place that really isn't so scary at all but has friendly faces and stuff to help us feel better when we are hurting. Next to help us kick off our "12 Days of Read-a-Longs", friends from the Morgan County Emergency Personnel have a surprise! Watch this (it's a long one today, but it's super fun!)!
Some days are hard; but with Positive Thoughts, Actions, and Feelings, YOU can make choices to help you and others have a Positive future!Our community has some super amazing folks who share their GIFTS with us! Meet a fella from the Emergency Room whose GIFT is helping others. Maybe you know him? Dr. "Mac" wants to show us around a place that really isn't so scary at all but has friendly faces and stuff to help us feel better when we are hurting. Next to help us kick off our "12 Days of Read-a-Longs", friends from the Morgan County Emergency Personnel have a surprise! Watch this (it's a long one today, but it's super fun!)!
Here are a few questions for you:
1) Think about someone in your family. Tell your teacher one Positive Action that person did recently.
2) Now, think about someone here in our school community. What is one Positive Action you saw that you liked? Next, be sure to tell that person "thanks!" for being Positive!
3) And, think about someone from your neighborhood or community. What Positive Action did you see that person do?
(Share answers with each other.)
Someone stopped by Warm Springs Intermediate School yesterday....Look!
Remember, it is a Positive Action to follow the Golden Rule because changing the world starts with one student at a time...and that is.....
Stand up, and let's sing the MoCo Kids' Creed!
Morgan County Scholars with
their GIFT
their GIFT
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
GIFTS - Dec. 19, 2019, Raise the Roof....
...on student assets!
Where ALL students are UNIQUE and WONDERFULLY MADE!
I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions today, Dec. 19, 2019! As we continue to improve our positive thoughts, actions and feelings, today we will take a look at raising student assets and a super important positive action word that fuels our wellness:
GIFT. What does "a gift" looks like? If we look with positive hearts, we may discover that Positive Actions, we can ACHIEVE our goals! Remember, your time with another person is the best GIFT of all. (hint: put the devices down!) . Watch this video:
Cutie the Cougar was spotted in the halls of WSIS yesterday and the Widmyer Wildcat paid a visit to our super sweet scholars too! Both appeared to share Christmas Cards from Mrs. Hott and Mrs. Sheima. Did you get your card? It has the schedule for the
"12 Days of Read-A-Longs"
Where ALL students are UNIQUE and WONDERFULLY MADE!
Today is Raising Student Assets Thursday!
I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions today, Dec. 19, 2019! As we continue to improve our positive thoughts, actions and feelings, today we will take a look at raising student assets and a super important positive action word that fuels our wellness:
Tell your teacher what you think the word "GIFT" means. Especially this time of year, it is important to realize that a GIFT doesn't need to be wrapped in a big package. No...remember that choosing Positive Actions is a GIFT to others! The free GIFTS are the best: your time, your attention, your concern, and...your love!GIFT. What does "a gift" looks like? If we look with positive hearts, we may discover that Positive Actions, we can ACHIEVE our goals! Remember, your time with another person is the best GIFT of all. (hint: put the devices down!) . Watch this video:
That was beautiful! Why? How did this video about a dad make YOU feel? Take a sec and let's talk about it.....
And remember, it is also important to know that in our special Moran County schools, we are all part of a community where great GIFT starts with...
And remember, it is also important to know that in our special Moran County schools, we are all part of a community where great GIFT starts with...
Morgan County Scholars that share GIFTS
can change the world!
Cutie visits grades 3-5 at WSIS! Here is Ms. Butts' Super Scholars! |
Widmyer Wildcat hugged several Morgan County Scholars! |
"12 Days of Read-A-Longs"
Cutie signs her first autograph in Ms Boyles 5th grade classroom! |
Did you see today's KINDNESS CALENDAR???...TAKE A LOOK!
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Vid Vlog Vednesday GIFTS on Dec. 18, 2019 & "Where in Morgan County are PAWsitive Actions?
...where ALL students are UNIQUE and Wonderfully Made!
I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions today, Dec. 18, 2019!! On Wednesdays, we will be examining Value Video Vednesdays when we will take a look at positive values to help us grow into a caring school community of students in Morgan County Schools.
Today's video takes a look at a student who doesn't give up until she finally shares a GIFT with someone really special. When we use share our GIFTS with others, we are making positive choices to become students with good moral and ethical qualities, helping us to achieve personal excellence.
"Where in Morgan County Are PAWsitive Actions?"
Today's video takes a look at a student who doesn't give up until she finally shares a GIFT with someone really special. When we use share our GIFTS with others, we are making positive choices to become students with good moral and ethical qualities, helping us to achieve personal excellence.
Watch today's VALUE VIDEO VEDNESDAY, and talk about who is sharing their GIFTs, then, stay tuned for the "final 30" seconds and see if YOU know:
Let's talk about it. Were you surprised? Why?
Discuss which student showed a Positive Thought?
Who shows a Positive Action?
What is the Positive Feeling you have when you see this video?
Now, think of a person who YOU know and go do a Positive Action for them by sharing your GIFT. Free gifts are the best!
It can be a smile!
It can be a smile!
Today, Mrs. Hott wants you to do a Positive Action too!
Morgan County Scholars that share a GIFT
can change the world!
Morgan County Scholars that share a GIFT
can change the world!
Did you know "Where in Morgan County?" Mrs Sheima and Mrs. Hott are today???? If you do, just...
* get a scrap of paper, (or ask for help if you need it)
* write down your name, your teacher, and your guess, then, (again, ask for help if you need it)
* take your answer to the Positive Action mailbox, or globe, at your school, or comment, or email
Did you see today on the KIDNESS CALENDAR? Take a look.....
Go do it!
NEwS FLASH: Coming soon....the
"12 Days of Read-A-Longs!" over your
"12 Days of Christmas" Break!
Talkin' Tuesdays on Dec. 17, 2019, with Taylor Andrews
...where ALL students are UNIQUE and Wonderfully Made!
Today is TALKIN TUESDAY where we see that our school family of teachers, staff, and administrators care
about the students in
Morgan County Schools!
And, where we will take a Positive moment each week to
"Talk It Out"
and discuss important student issues.
about the students in
Morgan County Schools!
And, where we will take a Positive moment each week to
"Talk It Out"
and discuss important student issues.
I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions today, Dec. 17, 2019!! For each "Teacher Talkin' Tuesday" in Positive Actions, we will meet a new member of our school family community that cares about YOU!
As we listen to our school family share their dreams, we learn a little more about each other. Discovering about each other's life helps us to understand why and how we become who we are.
Here is today's video vlog from Mrs. Hott and Mrs. Sheima, where we will get to meet a spectacular student who is training for big event! Let's get to know Taylor Andrews and see what super important organization she is helping to raise money by using her GIFT to run.
YOUR student assets, your GIFTS, are what will help you succeed here at school and as you grow up. When we learn more about our teachers and staff, it helps to create a caring school climate, which is an essential external developmental asset. As we listen to our school family share their dreams, we learn a little more about each other. Discovering about each other's life helps us to understand why and how we become who we are.
Here is today's video vlog from Mrs. Hott and Mrs. Sheima, where we will get to meet a spectacular student who is training for big event! Let's get to know Taylor Andrews and see what super important organization she is helping to raise money by using her GIFT to run.
So, guess what that means?! Your classmates and teachers also want to learn more about YOU too! For Positive Actions each Tuesday, you will have the opportunity to share something new about yourself with your teacher and classmates. It is "Talk It Out Time!" Each week, we will share one brand spanking new thing about our self.
Here is what Mrs. Hott wants you to do each week. I will give you a completely different topic, and you will share with your teacher and friends something brand new or unknown about yourself! Just watch the discoveries...we may find that someone in our class we don't know very well may have something in common with us! Or, we may be completely and crazily different. And, guess what?!...That is OK! It is a Positive Action to learn about our community's likes and respect each other's differences.
So, for today's "Talk It Out," are you ready? Here is our discovery question:
"What GIFT will you share today?"
I'll go first. Hi! My name is Mrs. Hott. A GIFT I will share today is that I will thank someone who does things for others! Here I go:
"Thank YOU, Ms. Butts, for your love and kindness at MCAfter3! Your "presence" is a GIFT for our school community!"
Look! There she is! Ms. Butts is super pawesome, right? Now, it's YOUR turn! When you are ready to share, raise your hand then tell us someone you will thank for doing something you take for granted!
To close, we will finish Talkin Tuesdays with a chance for you to share something important with your teacher. Is there something you feel like "if my teacher only knew...." it would help her/him understand you better? What is new this week you can tell your teacher? For example, if my teacher knew how hard I tried or I really did do my best on our spelling words, you may feel more positive! Or, if my teacher only knew why I was late again, maybe she/he can help me, etc. And, if you need to talk later, just ask your teacher, parent, friend, counselor, or Mrs. Hott by saying "May I please share a "talk it out" with you?"
Remember, sometimes our negative thoughts can turn to better feeling just by telling or sharing with another person! It is a Positive Action to "peacefully resolve our conflicts" too with others at home, school, and our community. "Talking it out" starts with one student at a time...and that is.....
Students who talk it out
can change the world!
Our KINDNESS CALENDAR says to do this:
Go Do It!
NEwS FLASH: Coming soon....the
"12 Days of Read-A-Longs!" over your
"12 Days of Christmas" Break!
Friday, December 13, 2019
MoTo Mondays - Dec. 16, 2019
...where ALL students are UNIQUE and Wonderfully Made!
Mrs. Hott and Mrs. Sheima are SUPER excited to share Positive Actions with Morgan County students because today, and each Monday, is when we "motor-up" YOUR school week and get ready for more PAWsome days of learning and growing...
"MOTO Monday!"
or, "Motovation Monday" where we will see a vlog to get our week "motored-up" with positive thoughts, actions, and feelings!
What "GIFT" will these Boys and Girls Club students choose for someone they love?.....Watch this:
Our PAWsitive Action "word of the week"is: gift
And in Spanish: regalo
Try to say "regalo"!
(TRY THIS LINK FOR THE SPANISH PRONOUNCIATION, and click the speaker icon to hear in Spanish):
Pronunciation "regalo" in Spanish
For Positive Actions, we are learning about wonderful words that build our Social and Emotional Wellness to help us all get along (at home, school, and in the community), raise our student assets, build confidence, and improve our academics!
GIFT A gift is....something given willingly without expectation of return payment or item. A gift is also a natural ability. Our Positive Actions, like kindness, caring and love, are gifts we can share!
What "GIFT" will these Boys and Girls Club students choose for someone they love?.....Watch this:
And in Spanish: regalo
Try to say "regalo"!
(TRY THIS LINK FOR THE SPANISH PRONOUNCIATION, and click the speaker icon to hear in Spanish):
Pronunciation "regalo" in Spanish
For Positive Actions, we are learning about wonderful words that build our Social and Emotional Wellness to help us all get along (at home, school, and in the community), raise our student assets, build confidence, and improve our academics!
GIFT A gift is....something given willingly without expectation of return payment or item. A gift is also a natural ability. Our Positive Actions, like kindness, caring and love, are gifts we can share!
REMINDER: Mrs. Hott and Mrs. Sheima will be filming new content for 2020! We both will not be in your classrooms but are super excited about some fun new vlogs coming soon!
Look at this! Thank you to Colin Woods! At MCAfter3, he suggested adding these creative and unique creations from WSIS to our "Deck the Meter"..... here it is!
Get Ready for a POSITIVE school day...filled with super scholars with PHYSICAL, INTELLECTUAL, & EMOTIONAL WELLNESS
On your feet, push in your chair, find a safe space, it's time to sing the
Positive Action Theme Song!
Positive Action Theme Song!
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Dec. 13, 2019 - Frankie from Tony's Butcher Shop, Community that CARES
...where ALL students are UNIQUE and Wonderfully Made!
Today is FUN FRIDAY where we see that our community cares about the students in
Morgan County Schools!
Morgan County Schools!
I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions today, Dec. 13, 2019! Each Fun Friday in Positive Actions, we celebrate the PAWsome community where we live and meet a new friend who cares about YOU!
Here is today's video vlog from Mrs. Hott and Ms. Sheima:
Some days are hard; but with Positive Thoughts, Actions, and Feelings, YOU can make choices to help you and others have a Positive future!Here is today's video vlog from Mrs. Hott and Ms. Sheima:
Here are a few questions for you:
1) Think about someone in your family. Tell your teacher one Positive Action that person did recently.
2) Now, think about someone here in our school community. What is one Positive Action you saw that you liked? Next, be sure to tell that person "thanks!" for being Positive!
3) And, think about someone from your neighborhood or community. What Positive Action did you see that person do?
(Share answers with each other.)
Remember, it is a Positive Action to follow the Golden Rule because changing the world starts with one student at a time...and that is.....
Stand up, and let's sing the MoCo Kids' Creed!
Morgan County Scholars with
MOTIVATION - Dec. 12, 2019, Raise the Roof....
...on student assets!
Where ALL students are UNIQUE and WONDERFULLY MADE!
And now, here's the news!
That was PAWsome! Keep watching for more student news! . I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions today, Dec. 12, 2019! As we continue to improve our positive thoughts, actions and feelings, today we will take a look at raising student assets and a super important positive action word that fuels our INTELLECTUAL wellness:
"the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way"
"general desire or willingness of someone to do something"
MOTIVATION. What does "motivation" looks like? If we look with positive hearts, we may discover that with MOTIVATION, we can ACHIEVE our goals! Achievement Motivation is when students strive to do well in school and life. Watch this video:
This video was intended to reach out to all of us who are not so athletically minded. Mrs. Hott was never very motivated at sports either!
No matter what your talent is, it is important and worth developing. For adults, parents and mentors, it's important to help young people search for that particular ability, which may not be so obvious at first. But, with the support of friends, classmates, teachers, and families, we can begin with a "positive thought" and try new things.
It is always ok to try! I love how this mom keeps on offering opportunities for her son. And, when he expresses his appreciation, my mom heart melts!
Think of someone who helps you. Who "MOTIVATES" you to try things? Today, be sure to express appreciation for their continued effort to support all your success -- and failures too! Failures help us to learn and build a path towards INTELLECTUAL wellness!
Where ALL students are UNIQUE and WONDERFULLY MADE!
Today is Raising Student Assets Thursday!
Last night at MCAfter3, guess what happened?!? COUGAR NEWS! That's what! Students got to film for the first time with our new Positive Action cool camera....see!And now, here's the news!
That was PAWsome! Keep watching for more student news! . I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions today, Dec. 12, 2019! As we continue to improve our positive thoughts, actions and feelings, today we will take a look at raising student assets and a super important positive action word that fuels our INTELLECTUAL wellness:
Tell your teacher what you think the word "MOTIVATION" means. "the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way"
"general desire or willingness of someone to do something"
MOTIVATION. What does "motivation" looks like? If we look with positive hearts, we may discover that with MOTIVATION, we can ACHIEVE our goals! Achievement Motivation is when students strive to do well in school and life. Watch this video:
This video was intended to reach out to all of us who are not so athletically minded. Mrs. Hott was never very motivated at sports either!
No matter what your talent is, it is important and worth developing. For adults, parents and mentors, it's important to help young people search for that particular ability, which may not be so obvious at first. But, with the support of friends, classmates, teachers, and families, we can begin with a "positive thought" and try new things.
It is always ok to try! I love how this mom keeps on offering opportunities for her son. And, when he expresses his appreciation, my mom heart melts!
Think of someone who helps you. Who "MOTIVATES" you to try things? Today, be sure to express appreciation for their continued effort to support all your success -- and failures too! Failures help us to learn and build a path towards INTELLECTUAL wellness!
And remember, it is also important to know that in our special Moran County chools, we are all part of a community where great MOTIVATION starts with...
Morgan County Scholars that use MOTIVATION
can change the world!
Did you see today's KINDNESS CALENDAR???...TAKE A LOOK!
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Vid Vlog Vednesday - GRATITUDE on Dec. 11, 2019 & "Where In MoCo are PAWsitive Actions?"
...where ALL students are UNIQUE and Wonderfully Made!
I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions today, Dec. 11, 2019!! On Wednesdays, we will be examining Value Video Vednesdays when we will take a look at positive values to help us grow into a caring school community of students in Morgan County Schools.
Today's video takes a look at a students (and adults) who are positive when they act with GRATITUDE. What does that mean? Gratitude is expressing thanks to someone. When we use GRATITUDE, we are making positive choices to become students with good moral and ethical qualities, helping us to achieve personal excellence.
"Where in Morgan County Are PAWsitive Actions?"
Today's video takes a look at a students (and adults) who are positive when they act with GRATITUDE. What does that mean? Gratitude is expressing thanks to someone. When we use GRATITUDE, we are making positive choices to become students with good moral and ethical qualities, helping us to achieve personal excellence.
Watch today's VALUE VIDEO VEDNESDAY, and talk about who is showing gratitude, then, stay tuned for the "final 30" seconds and see if YOU know:
Let's talk about it. Were you surprised? Why?
Discuss which student showed a Positive Thought?
Who shows a Positive Action?
What is the Positive Feeling you have when you see this video?
Now, think of a person who you know that showed you GRATITUDE. What did he/she do?
Today, Mrs. Hott wants you to do a Positive Action too!
Morgan County Scholars that show GRATITUDE
can change the world!
Morgan County Scholars that show GRATITUDE
can change the world!
Did you know "Where in Morgan County?" Mrs Sheima and Mrs. Hott are today???? If you do, just...
* get a scrap of paper, (or ask for help if you need it)
* write down your name, your teacher, and your guess, then, (again, ask for help if you need it)
* take your answer to the Positive Action mailbox, or globe, at your school, or comment, or email
Did you see today on the KIDNESS CALENDAR? Take a look.....
Go do it!
NEwS FLASH: Coming soon....the
"12 Days of Read-A-Longs!" over your
"12 Days of Christmas" Break!
Monday, December 9, 2019
Talkn' Tuesday's with Ms. Herdering - Dec. 10, 2019
...where ALL students are UNIQUE and Wonderfully Made!
Today is TEACHER TALKIN TUESDAY where we see that our school family of teachers, staff, and administrators care
about the students in
Morgan County Schools!
And, where we will take a Positive moment each week to
"Talk It Out"
and discuss important student issues.
about the students in
Morgan County Schools!
And, where we will take a Positive moment each week to
"Talk It Out"
and discuss important student issues.
I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions today, Dec. 10, 2019!! For each "Teacher Talkin' Tuesday" in Positive Actions, we will meet a new member of our school family community that cares about YOU!
As we listen to our school family share their dreams, how hard they worked/studied, when they were little, stories of their life, and how Positive Actions helped them, we learn a little more about each other. Discovering about each other's life helps us to understand why and how we become who we are.
Here is today's video vlog from Mrs. Hott and Mrs. Sheima, where we will get to meet Ms. Herdering, a PAWsome Music Teacher at Widmyer Elementary....check it out:
YOUR student assets are what will help you succeed here at school and as you grow up. When we learn more about our teachers and staff, it helps to create a caring school climate, which is an essential external developmental asset. As we listen to our school family share their dreams, how hard they worked/studied, when they were little, stories of their life, and how Positive Actions helped them, we learn a little more about each other. Discovering about each other's life helps us to understand why and how we become who we are.
Here is today's video vlog from Mrs. Hott and Mrs. Sheima, where we will get to meet Ms. Herdering, a PAWsome Music Teacher at Widmyer Elementary....check it out:
So, guess what that means?! Your teachers also want to learn more about YOU too! For Positive Actions each Tuesday, you will have the opportunity to share something new about yourself with your teacher and classmates. It is "Talk It Out Time!" Each week, we will share one brand spanking new thing about our self.
Here is what Mrs. Hott wants you to do each week. I will give you a completely different topic, and you will share with your teacher and friends something brand new or unknown about yourself! Just watch the discoveries...we may find that someone in our class we don't know very well may have something in common with us! Or, we may be completely and crazily different. And, guess what?!...That is OK! It is a Positive Action to learn about our community's likes and respect each other's differences.
So, for today's "Talk It Out," are you ready? Here is our discovery question:
"Who is your favorite sports team?"
Wait, that's not so hard, right? But once you have decided who your favorite sports team is, I want you to also include WHY they are your favorite. For example, I know Ms. Myers loves the New England Patriots! In fact, I saw her mom at Food Lion and she told me that Ms. Myers cheers along with her t.v. when she watches football!
I'll go first. Hi! My name is Mrs. Hott. My favorite sports team is Pittsburgh Steelers! Even though I really don't watch football other than the half time shows, the Steelers are my favorite because my great-nephew, Nathaniel LOVES the Steelers!
When Nathaniel was a baby, he would sing "black and yellow" all day long! It was the cutest thing ever. But not as cute as this video...Check it out:
Pretty awesome, right? Now, it's YOUR turn! When you are ready to share, raise your hand then tell us YOUR favorite sports and why!
That was awesome too! You ALL just did a positive action by sharing something about yourself. It is positive because it helps us to better understand each other.
To close, we will finish Talkin Tuesdays with a chance for you to share something important with your teacher. Is there something you feel like "if my teacher only knew...." it would help her/him understand you better? What is new this week you can tell your teacher? For example, if my teacher knew how hard I tried or I really did do my best on our spelling words, you may feel more positive! Or, if my teacher only knew why I was late again, maybe she/he can help me, etc.
Remember, you can always write down your thoughts too! Like, in your Positive Action journal! Sometimes it helps to get our thoughts together when we write it down. And, if you need to talk later, just ask your teacher, parent, friend, counselor, or Mrs. Hott by saying "May I please share a "talk it out" with you?"
Remember, sometimes our negative thoughts can turn positive just by telling or sharing with another person! It is a Positive Action to "peacefully resolve our conflicts" too with others at home, school, and our community. "Talking it out" starts with one student at a time...and that is.....
Students who talk it out
Sunday, December 8, 2019
MoTo Monday on Dec. 9, 2019
...where ALL students are UNIQUE and Wonderfully Made!
HEY....notice anything different over at Warm Springs Intermediate today? I think Mr. Cable let some magic elves in the building....
We hope you took your Holiday Garland home to share Positive Words with your family and friends! (Widmyer Kindergarten will make some this week with Mrs. Hott and Mrs. Sheima.) Remember, our Positive Actions help to improve our physical, intellectual, and emotional wellness.
Look how much fun this was:
Mrs. Hott and Mrs. Sheima are SUPER excited to share Positive Actions with Morgan County students because today, and each Monday, is when we "motor-up" YOUR school week and get ready for more PAWsome days of learning and growing...
"MOTO Monday!"
or, "Motovation Monday" where we will see a vlog to get our week "motored-up" with positive thoughts, actions, and feelings!
Watch this:
Our PAWsitive Action "word of the week"is: intellectual
And in Spanish: intelectual
Try to say "intelectual"!
(TRY THIS LINK FOR THE SPANISH PRONOUNCIATION, and click the speaker icon to hear in Spanish):
Pronounciation Intelectual
For Positive Actions, we are learning about wonderful words that build our Social and Emotional Wellness to help us all get along (at home, school, and in the community), raise our student assets, build confidence, and improve our academics!
Watch this:
And in Spanish: intelectual
Try to say "intelectual"!
(TRY THIS LINK FOR THE SPANISH PRONOUNCIATION, and click the speaker icon to hear in Spanish):
Pronounciation Intelectual
For Positive Actions, we are learning about wonderful words that build our Social and Emotional Wellness to help us all get along (at home, school, and in the community), raise our student assets, build confidence, and improve our academics!
INTELLECTUAL wellness is.....all about learning. It is about how individuals organize their minds, ideas and thoughts to make sense of the world they live in.”
Get Ready for a POSITIVE school day...filled with super scholars with PHYSICAL, INTELLECTUAL, & EMOTIONAL WELLNESS
On your feet, push in your chair, find a safe space, it's time to sing the
Positive Action Theme Song!
Positive Action Theme Song!
Morgan County Scholars
with INTELLECTUAL Positive Actions
can change the world!
with INTELLECTUAL Positive Actions
can change the world!
NEwS FLASH: Coming soon....the
"12 Days of Read-A-Longs!" over your
"12 Days of Christmas" Break!
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Dec. 6, 2019 - Community that CARES
...where ALL students are UNIQUE and Wonderfully Made!
Today is FUN FRIDAY where we see that our community cares about the students in
Morgan County Schools!
Morgan County Schools!
I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions today, Dec. 6, 2019! Each Fun Friday in Positive Actions, we celebrate the PAWsome community where we live!
Here is today's video vlog from Mrs. Hott and Ms. Sheima:
Some days are hard; but with Positive Thoughts, Actions, and Feelings, YOU can make choices to help you and others have a Positive future!Here is today's video vlog from Mrs. Hott and Ms. Sheima:
Here are a few questions for you:
1) Think about someone in your family. Tell your teacher one Positive Action that person did recently.
2) Now, think about someone here in our school community. What is one Positive Action you saw that you liked? Next, be sure to tell that person "thanks!" for being Positive!
3) And, think about someone from your neighborhood or community. What Positive Action did you see that person do?
(Share answers with each other.)
It's here! It's here! So excited that our Positive Actions program now has a super sweet camera to create new PAWsome content! Get ready for some cool stuff coming soon! Many thanks to the Morgan County Partnership!
Remember, it is a Positive Action to follow the Golden Rule because changing the world starts with one student at a time...and that is.....
Stand up, and let's sing the MoCo Kids' Creed!
Morgan County Scholars that
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WELLNESS Wed🤗 Wk12Ep54S8🧘🏽♀️YOGA for Kids🌈 WELLNESS/BIENESTAR 🎉12/1/2...
WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS! In the classroom, at home or work, and virtual school, all use Positive Actions to focus on community well being. The ...