Where ALL students are UNIQUE and WONDERFULLY MADE!
Today is Raising Student Assets Thursday!
Before we begin today's regularly scheduled programming, join Cutie the Cougar and the Positive Action Players for a journey around Warm Springs Intermediate School where we will take a look at our "Cougar Expectations!"
Before we begin today's regularly scheduled programming, join Cutie the Cougar and the Positive Action Players for a journey around Warm Springs Intermediate School where we will take a look at our "Cougar Expectations!"
Get ready, get set, GO follow the Cougar Ways in the CAFETERIA!
Any questions? Here are the Cafeteria Expectations. Let's talk about them:I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions today, Nov. 30th! As we continue to improve our positive thoughts, actions and feelings, today we will take a look at raising student assets and a super important positive action word:
Tell your teacher what you think the word "COMMUNICATION" means."successfully and positively conveying or sharing of ideas and feelings"
Communication. What do "communication" looks like? If we look with positive hearts, we may discover that communication can be positive -- even in a negative situation! Watch this video:
"We've all been there... someone does something that angers us and our first reaction is to say words we know we should not. Our reaction can sometimes give a bad example. This message captures a stressful time in traffic when a little girl gives her father a gentle reminder to think before speaking."
Do you use positive "communication" with your classmates? Tell your teacher of a time when you used positive words to talk to a friend at school.
What about at home? Share a time when you used positive communication with a family member...what happened?
What about in your community? Do you hear positive words when you are out and about? Share a time that you heard both negative and positive communication.
And remember, it is also important to know that here at Warm Springs Intermediate School, we are all part of a "cougar community" where the most important friend is...
And, don't forget to wear your crazy socks this Friday and bring $1 if you can to
"Sock it to Cancer!" for Rylee
Cougars that use positive COMMUNICATION
can change the world!