Sunday, October 22, 2017

Makin' Music Mondays - October 23, 2017

...where ALL students are UNIQUE and Wonderfully Made!

Welcome to Positive Actions Community Character Vlogs!  Today is October 23rd!!! Mrs. Hott is SUPER excited to share Positive Actions with Morgan County students because today, and each Monday, is "Makin' Music Mondays!" 

Do YOU know that "the way we think about ourselves controls how happy, healthy, and successful we will be"?  In Positive Actions this year, we will discover that we each have beautiful, unique characteristics and DREAMS that are all important and valuable to our Cougar Community here at school, and at home.

In our Positive Actions classroom time in the Cougar Den for this week, we will identify an action to build our self concept and we will be exploring new frontiers about our DREAMS, and positive choices to help us reach our dreams. Also, we learn that LISTENING to things like positive encouragement can help us to achieve our dreams and can even mean turning off those "Negative Nellys".  All this while discovering our individual self concepts that create our diverse PAWsitive community.  

Today's vlogcast, is our musical sing-along with a group called the Tri-State Ukulectics.  Our teachers are invited to strum-along with the new instruments and jam with the words to Mr. Cable's Cougar Creed....

...and please, sing louder than Mrs. Hott. 


I can be kind
And caring too
For others and for me
It’s the right thing to do
I know that my home, school, and community
Have people who care about me

I know I am unique
There’s only one like me
Filled with valuable qualities
I’m made wonderfully

When I get up for school
I think of that Golden Rule
Treating others just and fair
Will show students I care

Be nice, be kind, be strong
We all want to get along
To make today the best
To all, I show respect

Positive Actions, I will choose
Helping others and my school
Get us all to reach our goals
With safe, responsible roles

We are all Cougars that Care
At school, at home, and play
Students can change the world
Beginning with today

Yay!  You ALL sound "PAW"some!!!  Great job!  Thanks for joining in and singing "Mr. Cable's Cougar Creed"! Was that fun?  If time, try to sing again...just fast forward pass the intro and sing-along.

Begin every day with Positive Actions:

Get Ready for a POSITIVE school week! 

Cougars that
can change the world!

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