...where ALL students are UNIQUE and Wonderfully Made!
Today is FUN FRIDAY where we see that our community cares about the students at
Warm Springs Intermediate School

I am so excited to be back for Positive Actions today, December 22nd! Today, we have a special GIFT! Ms. Sheima and I have discovered some valuable treasures at Warm Springs Intermediate School....YOU! And, since it is a Positive Action to GIVE and SHARE, we have a special Fun Friday treat for our vlogcast today, a
Here is today's video vlogcast:
Holiday "E" Card
from WSIS Positive Action Cougars!
Here is today's video vlogcast:
Remember this:
YOU can do a POSITIVE ACTION today! You ALL are unique and wonderfully made; so, share YOUR positive actions with someone - especially during this holiday season! And guess what....it doesn't cost a dime! You don't need money to give a gift to someone else. Want to know what gift YOU can give?.... you can do a POSITIVE ACTION! Show someone you care with a something as simple as a smile, a respectful attitude, a gesture of gratitude, or being a caring friend!
It's free, a positive action,....and, it is contagious! So, start right now to change the world by making positive choices for your physical and intellectual well-being AND your example will encourage others, impress friends and classmates, and launch you into a positive future!
I promise!
So, tell your teacher what positive action or "GIFT" you will share during the holidays. Think of someone to say "Happy Holidays" to in your home, school, or community. Sharing a happy greeting is a positive action. Make a special card from you. Draw them a picture. Fold another origami heart. (Instructions are here: Make a Paper Heart Then Share YOUR Gift)
Next, want to know what my favorite gift is this season....each.of.YOU!
Remember, it is a Positive Action to follow the Golden Rule; so, Mrs. Hott wants you to remember that over holiday break, we need to treat others kindly and with respect.
Changing the world starts with one student at a time...and that is.....
(close with Golden Rule and sing along when ready!)
WSIS Cougars that GIVE
can change the world!